LQAI Monthly Portfolio Update: December 2024
Active Investing, Driven by the Predictive Power of AI, LQAI aims to leverage a proprietary AI engine developed by LG AI Research and Qraft Technologies. The AI engine utilizes a deep neural network to actively generate signals to analyze relative strength conviction of individual stocks within the universe
LQAI Monthly Portfolio Update: November 2024
Active Investing, Driven by the Predictive Power of AI, LQAI aims to leverage a proprietary AI engine developed by LG AI Research and Qraft Technologies. The AI engine utilizes a deep neural network to actively generate signals to analyze relative strength conviction of individual stocks within the universe
LQAI Monthly Portfolio Update: October 2024
Active Investing, Driven by the Predictive Power of AI, LQAI aims to leverage a proprietary AI engine developed by LG AI Research and Qraft Technologies. The AI engine utilizes a deep neural network to actively generate signals to analyze relative strength conviction of individual stocks within the universe
LQAI Monthly Portfolio Update: September 2024
Active Investing, Driven by the Predictive Power of AI, LQAI aims to leverage a proprietary AI engine developed by LG AI Research and Qraft Technologies. The AI engine utilizes a deep neural network to actively generate signals to analyze relative strength conviction of individual stocks within the universe
LQAI Monthly Portfolio Update: August 2024
Active Investing, Driven by the Predictive Power of AI, LQAI aims to leverage a proprietary AI engine developed by LG AI Research and Qraft Technologies. The AI engine utilizes a deep neural network to actively generate signals to analyze relative strength conviction of individual stocks within the universe
Qraft Teams With LG AI Research to Offer Pioneering AI-Powered ETF
Qraft Technologies took AI-driven investment products to the next level with the launch of the LG-QRAFT AI-Powered U.S. Large Cap Core ETF (LQAI) in November of 2023. The fund incorporates artificial intelligence into its management even more thoroughly and seamlessly than any of its predecessors.
M’AI I help you?
In the latest rebalancing report for LQAI, LQAI favored Information Technology, communications services, and consumer-discretionary sectors, with Nvidia, Apple, and AMD as the top holdings.
LQAI Monthly Portfolio Update: July 2024
Active Investing, Driven by the Predictive Power of AI, LQAI aims to leverage a proprietary AI engine developed by LG AI Research and Qraft Technologies. The AI engine utilizes a deep neural network to actively generate signals to analyze relative strength conviction of individual stocks within the universe
AI’s Impact on Active Investing
Only a scant number of actively managed funds managed to beat the market over time. In light of this consistent underperformance, let’s explore how active funds using Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the primary driver for stock selection could be a key for breaking this trend.
Revolutionizing Investment Management: A Five-Year Analysis of Qraft's AI-Enhanced ETFs
In November of 2022, the launch of ChatGPT took the world by storm, showcasing capabilities of AI that had not been seen before. This month, one of the first ETFs launched in the U.S. using AI to select the holdings in the portfolio celebrate their five-year track record.
LQAI Monthly Portfolio Update: June 2024
Active Investing, Driven by the Predictive Power of AI, LQAI aims to leverage a proprietary AI engine developed by LG AI Research and Qraft Technologies. The AI engine utilizes a deep neural network to actively generate signals to analyze relative strength conviction of individual stocks within the universe
LQAI Monthly Portfolio Update: May 2024
Founded in 2016, Qraft Technologies is on a mission to transform investing with artificial intelligence, or AI.
Monthly Portfolio Update: February 2024
Founded in 2016, Qraft Technologies is on a mission to transform investing with artificial intelligence, or AI.
Monthly Portfolio Update: December 2023
Founded in 2016, Qraft Technologies is on a mission to transform investing with artificial intelligence, or AI.
A Cutting-Edge Approach to Active Investing
In recent years, the dominance of passive investment strategies has overshadowed the once-prevalent practice of active investing. The persistent challenges posed by low inflation and interest rates have made it increasingly difficult for fund managers to surpass benchmark returns after accounting for fees. However, the dynamic shifts in the market landscape, catalyzed by the pandemic and subsequent fiscal stimulus, have reignited the prominence of active management…